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  2. Child benefit in Wallonia

A new child benefit system in Wallonia

In Wallonia, children born upto December 31, 2019 will keep the same amounts and the same regulations regarding child benefits. Following the regionalization, children born from January 1, 2020 will be covered by the current child benefit system. So two systems will coexist for a few years.

Child benefit, and much more, with benefits that are awarded based on your specific situation

  • Every child that lives in Wallonia
  • Up to the age of 18 years
  • Even up to 25 years in Some cases          

Apply for child benefit

In Wallonia, children born upto December 31, 2019 will keep the same amounts and the same regulations regarding child benefits. Following the regionalization, children born from January 1, 2020 will be covered by the current child benefit system. So two systems will coexist for a few years.

Child benefit, and much more, with benefits that are awarded based on your specific situation

  • Every child that lives in Wallonia
  • Up to the age of 18 years
  • Even up to 25 years in Some cases          

Apply for child benefit

You have the right to a maternity allowance of 1.340,90 €.
Fill out this form. It will only take 2 minutes


What does Child benefit contain?

Child benefit consists of a basic amount and a series of allowances. These allowances serve to help the families as well as possible and depend on their financial and family situation.

Who has the right to claim child benefit?

Every child born in Wallonia from 1 January 2020 is entitled to child benefit according to age
  • Unconditional right from birth to 18th birthday
  • Semi-conditional right from 18 to 21 years
  • Child benefit is paid every month around the 8th (see our calendar for more info)

How to ask for it?

Do you have children already and would like to join Infino? Welcome!

If you're pregnant and would like to subscribe your child for the first time, please ask for you maternity allowance. That will automatically set your child benefit demand into action. 

Claim your maternity allowance

Joining Infino is a great idea. "Growing together" is our motto and we mean it. We support you financially, give you advice and keep you informed of all possible benefits

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