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Hi, we are Infino... Psstt.. our service varies by region. Pick your region and you will receive customized content.

Where do you live?

  • Brussel
  • Vlaanderen
  • Wallonie
You can always change your choice afterwards.

Where can I make a complaint ?

We attach great importance to the quality of our services and want to continuously improve them. However, it may happen that you are not satisfied with our service, or disagree with a decision we have taken: In that case, what can you do?

- Contact your child benefit fund
- Contact IRISCARE's Mediation Service
- Contact the Labor Court

Do you have a complaint regarding the GDPR legislation? Then email directly to

1.    Contact your payout actor (Growth Package payer)

In the first instance, never hesitate to contact your case manager (Client Advisor) directly: they are at your disposal to provide additional explanations about a decision taken, or to resolve any dissatisfaction with the quality of our service.

You can submit a complaint using our contact form by selecting the "I have a complaint" option, or by post addressed to Infino Brussels VZW BP 10.800 1040 Brussels. We will help you as soon as possible.

2.    Contact the Mediation and Complaints Service of Iriscare

The sixth state reform transferred child benefits to the regions and the jurisdiction is exercised by the communities.  Child benefit is administered by the four sub-entities: Flanders, Wallonia, Brussels and the German-speaking Community.

Each entity has developed a scheme adapted to the specific needs of its residents.

In the Brussels-Capital Region, Iriscare is the new bicommunal public utility institution in charge of introducing and managing the new Brussels child benefit scheme.

Within that institution, the Mediation Service can help you if you find yourself in any of the following situations: 

-    You have a general or specific request for information about your case.
-    You do not understand the information your child benefit institution gave you.
-    You do not understand or agree with a decision made by your child benefit institution.

You can send these questions by e-mail to or by post to Iriscare, Mediation Service, Rue Belliard 71 Box 2, 1040 Brussels.

If you disagree with a decision made by your child benefit agency or if you believe that the service provided by your child benefit agency has failed, you can submit a complaint by e-mail to or by post to Iriscare, Complaints Service, Rue Belliard 71 bus 2, 1040 Brussels.

Iriscare will examine your complaint and - after examining your child benefit file - based on the applicable legal texts, can either provide you with information and confirm the decision of your child benefit institution, or have the disputed decision re-examined.

More information at

3.    Contact the Labour Court

You can appeal with the Brussels Labour Court at any time, even if you have an open complaint. The deadline for appeal is not suspended during the investigation of your complaint (at Iriscare).

You have the possibility to complain by means of an appeal to the Labour Court, by depositing an application with or sending it to the Dutch-speaking Labour Court of Brussels, Poelaertplein, 3, 1000 Brussels (tel. 02/519.80.61).

The appeal must be filed within ten years of the notification of our decision (art. 2262bis of the Civil Code).The procedure is free; we will bear the costs of the procedure. However, in case the court would rule that your appeal is aggravated and reckless, you have to pay the legal costs yourself. 

During the hearings, you can:

-    appear in person
-    be represented by a lawyer at your own expense
-    be represented by a union representative, your spouse, a blood relative or and relative-in-law. In this case, the person representing you must hold a written power of attorney

Before taking the step of appealing against a decision we have taken, it is always useful for you to contact us to obtain additional information about it.

Internal hotline: whistleblowers

If you suspect or establish malpractices and fraud (including financial, fiscal and social), you can report this to our company lawyer via

Within seven calendar days, a confirmation of receipt will follow. Every report is investigated and handled impartially by the company lawyer. Within three months of receipt, you as reporter will be informed of the steps taken.  

Confidentiality and protection of the reporter are essential components of this new legislation. Infinos whistleblowing channel guarantees confidentiality of treatment for every report. The identity of the reporter is known only by the company lawyer and will not be disclosed by the company lawyer. In addition, the reporter will not be harmed in any way by his or her report.