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Where do you live?

  • Brussel
  • Vlaanderen
  • Wallonie
You can always change your choice afterwards.

Legal notice to join Infino

In order to receive your family benefits, you as a recipient* must confirm that you have chosen Infino as your family benefits fund in the Brussels Capital Region. 

Mandatory information (Brussels ordinance of 4 April 2019 on the payment circuit for family benefits) :

  • Through this online tool, register with Infino Brussels in a clear and precise manner (Article 26).
  • Infino undertakes not to refuse anyone to join, except in the cases provided for by law, and not to oppose their decision to change organisation (Article 4, paragraph 1, 9°)
  • If you are enrolled in a child benefit fund, you have to wait for 24 months before you can change your fund. If you want to change child benefit fund after this period, you have to inform the new fund in writing of your choice. the new fund will take all the necessary steps to request the transfer of your file (article 26 § 2). This period of 24 months does not apply in certain cases.
  • Your decision will take effect on the first day of the next quarter. Exception: if the notification occurs less than 15 days before the end of the quarter, the change will take effect on the first day of the second quarter following the quarter in which the decision was notified (article 26 § 2 al 2).
  • Infino may not grant you any benefits other than those stipulated in the ordinance (article 31)

* The recipient is the mother or, under certain conditions, the person who actually raises the child or the child itself.