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I'm a single parent
Single parent? You are not alone!
At Infino, we believe that being 'single' does not equal being alone. We are happy to help you and your - future - child(ren) by taking over a lot of administration and making sure you receive everything you're entitled to. So you can "sleep like a baby". We will take care of your child benefits. Because you are our hero.
Single, yet not alone
More and more parents are raising their child(ren) alone, with all the love and care each child deserves. We are happy to assist you in this adventure.
About 15% of children grow up in single-parent families. You are certainly not alone. We have a lot of experience in giving these parents extra attention and care. Because we want to see every child prosper in a sustainable society.
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On this page
Who are you? A hero, that's for sure!
And we have six good reasons to call you that:
- You and your child(ren) make a great team
- You can improvise like no one else
- You dare to share your small joys
- You build a village
- You dare to ask for help
- You do not forget yourself

How much will you receive?

Certainties with all funds: your amount
You don't have to look for a price difference anywhere. All funds are legally bound by the amount of payout. Your child benefit will therefore never be a cent higher or lower.
Oof! That's reassuring, isn't it?
Also reassuring: when you switch, all your payments continue seamlessly.
When will you receive your child benefits?

Quick, easy and uninterrupted
An application only takes two minutes. How convenient! As soon as we receive your request, your personal expert gets straight to work. We save you as much administration as possible and you can count on us to sort things out for you. We start to pay out as soon as we can. And your personal details? You'll find them on our My Infino customer portal even before the first payment.
Your personal space at My InfinoDate of payement
Do you think you will get your money faster with another child benefit fund? No that is not possible. All payers are legally bound by fixed payout dates. These differ per region (Flanders, Brussels and Wallonia), yes, but the date within each region remains the same.
Check our calendar!
What makes Infino different?
We are sustainable at heart
Dare to grow together. That also means showing a good example. Infino thinks inclusively, which means that we take ALL families into account. Newly composed, singles, new residents in Belgium... It doesn't matter who you are, what you do or where you come today. You're welcome!
We also fight against child poverty. That is why we set up a corporate fund in collaboration with the Pelicano Foundation.
And um, we don't forget Mother Nature either. Infino plants a forest of more than 10,000 trees. Why? Because we borrow the world from our children.
We love you, and your kids!
Whatever situation you are in, we understand and do not judge any life decisions you make. We are strong believers in equal rights for all children.
- Do you already have children? Then tell us about your family. Then we would like to join you with us.
- Are you pregnant for the first time? Then you can first request your maternity allowance. After that, the payment of your child benefit will automatically follow when your child is born.

How to reach Infino?
Our door is always open
Our website is also a source of inspiration for all family. Facts about your payments, cooking tips, crafting tips and parenting facts... We are happy to share them with all families. Why? Because we believe that society as a whole rolls up its sleeves in raising children.
We do our bit not only by a punctual and correct payment of your child benefit, but also by a cordial service and a warm welcome when you visit us.

Your account is 24/7 available
All information about your file is neatly bundled in a customer portal. My Infino gives you 24/7 access to your payouts. You can ask questions to your personal customer advisor and you can obtain certificates in seconds.
In short, we make digital tools available to provide you with the best and fastest possible service