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The Infino-Pelicano corporate fund is a reality
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is taking on a whole new dimension. Infino does a lot for children and the climate, but this year Infino will go a step further….
We are proud to announce the creation of our ‘INFINO-PELICANO CORPORATE FUND’. We established this corporate fund in cooperation with the Pelicano Foundation.
Ending child poverty together
The facts about child poverty
Take a Pelicano child under your wing today
The Pelicano Foundation wants to tackle this problem and preferably also solve it, with the help of Infino. By drawing attention to the situation of these children during the Week against Child Poverty. But above all by helping as many children as possible with food, clothing and health care. You can help with that too. Because every Euro you give to the Pelicano Foundation will go directly towards the well-being of the children. Give a child a carefree childhood, your contribution will make the difference between a full or less full lunch box for a Pelicano child.
How can you make a difference?
Make a donation via IBAN BE19 0689 4119 9212
Payment reference: ‘Together with Infino for Pelicano
A beating heart for children
Infino wants to position itself on the market and make a difference, among other things with one of its strategic objectives, namely ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ (CSR).
In the first instance, each of us must be aware of our role in society on a daily basis: our core activity, services related to family benefits, is a service of general social interest. As a service provider and payer of family benefits, we contribute to children's development opportunities. We are proud to take on such a role!
How can we make “corporate social responsibility” even more focused on our stakeholders (customers, partners, suppliers, etc.)? How can we make our contribution to society even more concrete?

Although Infino does not have the manpower and resources to set up major campaigns, we do still try to make a difference through the following actions:
We are planting a forest

10 children helped for life

Inclusiveness and anti-discrimination
How exactly can donations be made to the Infino Business Fund?
As of today, a dedicated page on CSR can be found on the Infino website where you can donate directly via a button 'I want to support a child'. You can donate by completing the form and transferring the money directly via a QR code or card reader.
Please be aware that any donation of at least 40 Euro is tax deductible.
How are we going to ensure that our corporate fund can once again support a number of disadvantaged children and give them the opportunity to gain a place in society?
- As was the case last year, at the end of this year we will transfer 50 EUR per employee to our corporate fund
- Partners, suppliers, etc. will receive information about our corporate fund
- Flyers will be supplied with a QR code.
- You may know someone who makes a regular donation to a charity – you can tell them about our corporate fund and give them one of our flyers.
- Do you have something to celebrate and don’t know what to ask for as a gift – you can always suggest our corporate fund as an option.
- In 2022, we will set up 2 campaigns for the benefit of our fund (e.g. sales of chocolates or similar). Your suggestions are certainly welcome!

Dare to grow together
We want to give our corporate fund visibility, communicate results and also celebrate!

Are you contributing too?
Every little helps. Would you also like to contribute to the corporate fund of Infino and the Pelicano Foundation? Fantastic! Charity fund!